Get Your Ex Back with Integrity

By Matt Cace

The pain that comes with losing the love of your life, ending a relationship can be unbearable sometimes, and trying to make things go back to the way they were can be very hard and frustrating. You miss the lovely moments and really want him back so badly; however, there is a problem:

You are so lovesick that it looks like you have been deprived of food for a decade. Your mood is a mess and you basically do not have any clue on exactly how to win the love of your life back without losing your integrity. Yes, I get it. As a woman, you have integrity to protect!

With that in mind, we need to understand how you can approach getting him back without looking desperate.

And thankfully, it’s not as difficult as we make it out to be and in many cases, it is actually achievable. 


Avoid trying To Get Him Back

This is not the time to work on getting him back because you will be stressed out and lose your power if you pursue him constantly. Do not do anything. That includes texting or calling him … at least not now, not yet.

Why? Because right now, he needs space to take everything in.  So show some discipline and level of self-control even when he contacts you. Right now it’s about letting him make the decision to want to be with you, and not about you convincing him to come back to you.

RELATED: Make sure to apply the No Contact Rule first.

Create a New Attractive Lifestyle

This is probably one of the difficult things to do when a relationship just ends; however, this is the perfect time to focus on yourself or your career… so go out more with friends and create the lifestyle you desire. This will help you build your confidence.  Also, meet new people and do whatever necessary to get your emotions back on track.

You may also need to consider changing your environment as this will help you have a new perspective on life and help you see what matters. Surrounding yourself with people who want to see you improve and grow will really help you.

This is the time to improve you. Going back to him the way things were, well then nothing might have improved between you two.  Then, he may not want to stay around for that.

Why Did the Relationship End?

Take time to reflect on this.

Were you just comfortable in the relationship or were you really happy? Are you two compatible? Do you share the same value?  It’s important that you are able to answer these questions truthfully. When ignored, bad history will likely repeat itself. 

RELATED: When Your Ex Understands This, Everything Changes.

Connect with Your Ex When You Have a Healthy Mindset

What’s important here is that you must take this as your final step.  After you have recovered yourself, make him see how confident, sexy and powerful you are as a woman.

Avoid the over the top affections of love. Rather, take it lightly and share a fond memory you once had. You may also tell him you crave your favorite hangout spot. Lead him back to the positive memories you shared together and allow him to think about how great you are.

However, even after you have contacted him and you see that he does not want to get back together, simply move on because, by this stage, you are stronger. Create a great life without him.  Let him regret ever pushing you away. 

Don’t Compromise Your Value

At all cost, don’t go back to your ex out of loneliness and desperation. You are most likely not being truthful with yourself because out of desperation, you’d end up giving him everything he wants even if it may cost your self-respect. You truly want him back (there’s nothing bad about that), and you are willing to improve.  However, you don’t have to lower your own dignity and value just to have him back in your life.

Final Thought:

The most important thing to remember in this journey is this… that you prioritize on working on yourself. This will help you become a better version of yourself. That means whether you decide to get back with your ex or begin seeing someone else, you would be in a healthier state of mind.

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FIND OUT (accurately) if you have a chance of getting your ex back. There are 10 short questions that engage your thoughts on your partner and yourself. Take the quiz and see what your next move should be.

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